The Colors of Salt - Photographic Exhibition
Carine Brinkman,
September 2020

It is with great pleasure that we present, for the first time, in this exhibition format -online- a result of the circumstancees and limitations imposed by COVID-19, the exhibition of photography by Carine Brinkman - As Cores de Sal. The photographs are inspired by “Salinas”, large salt fields in Tavira.
This exhibition was conceived to be part of the Álvaro de Campos Municipal Library program, contributing for the 500th anniversary of the elevation of Tavira to a city status, highlighting the richness of its natural heritage [ see Municipality of Tavira].
Carine Brinkman travels to Portugal since about twelve years. She often visits Lisbon, a city that enchants her and Tavira whose nature and heritage has inspired her in the course of her work.
Fernando Pessoa's poetry led her to a photographic work that was shown, in 2019, in this Library - “Fotografia & Poesia - A viagem”. In the rest of the country, she has exhibited in several places, namely at Casa Fernando Pessoa and at the Portuguese Center of Photography in Porto.
In addition to being a photographer, Carine, works as an educator in several museums, she is freelancer at Ludieke Werken, based in Amsterdam, which realizes cultural programs in the cultural space, promoting a new look at what surrounds us.